Support Yoginâm

The human being is part of a creative force that serves living by what it is. Potentially it serves life in an ongoing urge towards harmony. This requires continuous adaptation to the everchanging movements of living on all levels of being. The meaning of human living lies in this power to adapt, create and direct. With the realisation of this homeostasis the potential of human living is becoming realised.

Yoginâm (2022)
Yoginâm (2022)

Yoginâm’s vision for the world:
What does he intent to accomplish?


‘We are creating but we have lost the meaning and the direction. I wish for humanity to realise again its inherent creative power with which it is meant to serve the whole of which we are an integral part. Man stands on a bridge between an ‘inner’ and an ‘outer’. Both sides must be attuned to each other. There is unknowable infinity at both sides. This is different from the dichotomies of physical/non-physical; conscious/un-conscious. Our ‘inner’ makes us into transcendental beings. When this is ignored, as it is in the Western culture, ongoing disharmony will lead to chaos, distorted views, recurrent disease and, in short, many ills of the modern world. I have an urgent desire that this ‘inner’, as the essence of our human being, will be restored as a touchstone for the education of future generations and as a direction in the course of society.’


In his phenomenological view on life, Yoginâm realised the dominant role of language, particularly when it refers to this ‘inner’. Particularly words referring to more fundamental aspects of life are heavily loaded with associations. Translations sow misunderstanding, and the use of terminology from other traditions miss their cultural reference. For Yoginâm, what people call ‘spiritual endeavour’ is not something specific like a religion. It belongs to ordinary living and constitutes an indispensable aspect of the ordinary development into maturity.


The ‘Ultimate’ is unknowable, cannot be defined, it is most infinite and most intimate at the same time. The search for harmony in living happens in the search for optimal contribution to this Ultimate. Because we are of this Ultimate it is interactive. This means that our being as ‘outer’ of which we are conscious, contributes to ‘inner’ of which we are unconscious and reflects back on us, of which we become conscious in the way ‘outer’ is affected. Everything that we do, think, or desire reflects back on what we are and on what we become. This determines our happiness and our distress. For Yoginâm the key lies in Attitudes and Behaviour with which we deal with the circumstances of daily living.


This ignites an open vision to life, not restricted by narrow parameters but rather an open expectation in gratitude. This is what shapes the ‘Asharum’ and determines the way people share in it.

How can you support Yoginâm?

Human living is a manifestation of awareness in which all living shares. For the benefit of the whole world Yoginâm is concentrating all his effort on the realisation of awareness. Supporting that effort is benefitting the world. Therefore, you share back in the benefit that you have created.

Financial donations

Please browse below through the various ongoing projects that contribute to realising the vision of Yoginâm, their function, and the support needed.

Property usufruct

We are progressively creating new Asharums in different locations. One way to contribute is making available a building that you may own or wish to invest in, to turn it into an Asharum by way of usufruct. Specific conditions apply in this case, which will be explored in dialogue. See more on this further below.

Providing your expertise

When you may find in the ongoing projects that your expertise could be of value to us, and you wish to make it available, please contact us.

Network sharing

When you perceive the value of the work of Yoginâm, we invite you to share this widely in your network. You may also take initiative to bring us into contact with specific people in your network that could be of use.


Nâm means optimizing Human Living with the phenomena of ordinary daily life. A materialistic orientation and dualistic approach cannot facilitate this. Places need to be created that will help strengthen a daily transcendental orientation. Awareness expresses itself in a great variety of forms, all sharing in all, it equally expresses itself differently in everyone. All living appears thus as in Asha. An Asharum is the space of Asha. Asharum is the width of I-World. It involves humanity and its environment of living. At the same time Asharum is a collectivity of people who share in the Nâm 

Níjar Asharum projects for financial support

Budget Funded Needed
Meditation Hall
Covered dining room terrace
Sustainable heating solutions
Lecture and course facilities
Extension of guest facilities (8 to 10 guests)
Comedor facilities
Additional purchases (buildings adjacent to Asharum)
Meditation hall to be transformed

Voluntary work:



Small construction work in the garden


This ignites an open vision to life, not restricted by narrow parameters but rather an open expectation in gratitude. This is what shapes the ‘Asharum’ and determines the way people share in it.
Upon purchase land 3
Upon purchase land Asharum Níjar (Spain)

Nâm Academy
Web-productions and publications

The vision of Yoginâm reflects both an ancient wisdom, as well as the modern phenomenological approach to human living. The Nâm Academy was founded to present the work of Yoginâm from an academic perspective. The lectures, courses and papers focus on facilitating an intellectual and practical understanding of the far-reaching implications of his vision.

Projects for support:

Creating the Teaching room in the Asharum Níjar (see above)

Staff & logistics support: 2 years duration, total 50.000 euro

Nâm Publishing

An important tool by means of which the vision of Yoginâm is spread is through the books he writes, that are published by Nâm Publishing.
The goals are to publish some of the books in special editions, and to translate the books in many languages, most importantly, Spanish and French.

Special editions:

The Book of Nâm

Oh Abbah

Dimensions of Experience


The Book of Nâm (Spanish, French)

Dimensions of experience (Spanish, French)

Publication translations: 10.000 euro per language plus 5000 first circulation

Special editions: 10.000 per book plus 5000 first circulation

Historical perspectives on what has been accomplished

The house of Yoginâm had been a meditation centre in The Hague since 1983. In 1994 he established in it a monastic community with the aim of concentrating on a way of life, that is not sectarian, that has a universal appeal and that is beneficial for the individual as well as for humanity as a whole. Soon his first books were published and he started to attract more and more people. Because there was a need for larger space a former hotel, was purchased in the Ardennes in Belgium in 2000. This house developed into the first first Asharum with permanent residents and guests. 

The Asharum in Amonines (Belgium)
The Asharum in Amonines (Belgium)

The Asharum served as the permanent residence of Yoginâm until 2007 when a house was purchased in Southern Spain that would become his hermitage and to which he withdrew with 2 monks. A small adjacent house served as a guesthouse. He pays regular visits to the Asharum in Belgium.
In 1999 a small house in Nijar (Almeria) had been purchased that had served as a summer retreat for the monastic community and for visitors. In 2020 this house has been entirely renovated and in 2021 started to function as the new monastery where Yoginâm resides. In that same year a large piece of land with buildings was purchased directly opposite from the new monastery.

The buildings of the new land, a collection of small Andalusian village houses, is being renovated and restored to serve as a new Asharum. The buildings are restored, while preserving their ancient arab/andalucian character that is characteristic for the area, they are joined together and service areas like kitchen and storage are created. The land is being prepared to become an eco-sustainable garden for food production and meditation on the basis of perma-culture.

The estimated cost of the construction of the Asharum …….

About The Nâm Society

The Nâm Society is a Charity foundation (ANBI) registered in the Netherlands
Donations will be tax-deductible in the Netherlands. In your country of fiscal residence, it will depend on the recognition of this registration. Please contact our financial advisors to discuss the possibilities.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the details on the procedures, or if you would wish to visit the Asharums.

About Yoginâm (short biography)

Since the early nineties Yoginâm lives a monastic lifestyle after a UN career as cultural sociologist. He dedicated most of his life to the study and practice of meditation and other skilful means in a phenomenological approach to reformulate mankind’s ancient endeavour to live in the realisation of his transcendental nature.

Donate now

You can make a donation to the following bank account:

Nâm Fund
IBAN: NL46ABNA0622451642

Or with Paypal: 

Donations made by Dutch persons or organizations are tax deductible


For any need you can contact us at or fill out the following form: